“What is your why? ”
My name is Milca, and I am most energized when partnering with organizations and individuals to deliver the proven transformational power of coaching.
My why for this work is fueled by my having experienced and quantified the impact of executive and life coaching on people’s lives, the lives of their families, and their communities. I am a proud coaching evangelist.
With over 30 years of experience in the talent management, leadership development, and change management arenas, I’ve designed and embedded strategic coaching programs in for-profit and nonprofit organizations. I’ve also coached hundreds of individuals from all walks of life—including executives and dozens of teams—in small, midsized, and large organizations.
According to the International Coach Federation, coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Click here to learn more about what coaching is, and what it is not.
Whole-person coaching maximizes impact
Whether I am working as an executive coach retained by an organization, or with an individual who desires to invest in life coaching to achieve their dreams, I always begin with the personal. We each have multiple unique dimensions that shape us professionally and personally. I don’t buy that we can leave our work selves in the office as we head home, and check our personal selves at the door when we arrive at work.
Wherever you find yourself in life, your overall level of life satisfaction is generated by:
whether you have identified and embraced those personal values that most define who you are and what matters most to you
how aligned your day-to-day choices are with the values you identify with
your dreams, fears, and how empowered you feel about conquering both
what you believe about yourself, and about the world around you
whether the voice in your head that chatters at all hours is primarily an inspiring cheerleader or a debilitating inner critic that focuses on your limitations and failures
As you progress in your coaching journey your professional accomplishments and confidence expand and energize you. This can lead to a shift in how you show up at home, and in your communities. As you achieve personal goals and dreams you hold for yourself and your loved ones, you carry that energy of success with you into your work environment.
Growth in one area reinforces growth in the other, and the overall impact is high — or even life-changing.
My clients fuel my passion for this work. The percentage of clients I’ve worked with who rate the impact of my coaching on their personal and professional lives as life-changing or high impact is humbling:
*Data as of May 2022, based on 181 clients I’ve coached one-on-one since January 2017. Excludes short-term team coaching engagements.
As a trained professional coach, I’ve logged thousands of hours of one-on-one coaching. I have witnessed how our thoughts create our feelings, shape our actions and behaviors, and get us our results.
With practice, you will develop the ability to:
distinguish which thoughts and beliefs keep you stuck, and which energize you into sustained action and behaviors that align with what you most want to accomplish
become intentional and skillful in powerfully choosing your thoughts
live, personally and professionally, a life that you design day-to-day based on your unique core values, beliefs, dreams, and goals
be better prepared to respond to life’s challenges and setbacks with richer inner resources and greater resilience.
Whether you are a Fortune 500 executive, the proud owner of a small business, a new parent, or a retiree—whatever your next big dream is can be realized. As you learn, practice, and increase mastery of the skills and tools I share with you, I then get to celebrate with you as you accomplish much more than you ever dreamed possible. Imagine that!
The most impactful coaches ask the right questions—questions that change your thinking in ways that clarify and align with the life you wish to design for yourself. I will ask powerful questions. You will learn to trust that you have the perfect answers; you are the only expert on the subject of your life.
What do you most want to accomplish? Do you believe it is possible to do so? What is holding you back?
What matters most to you? To those who surround you and partner with you?
What are your core values? How aligned are you (and those around you) in living these out, day-to-day, decision by decision?
Do you have a clear vision, a roadmap, and a way to quantify and recalibrate your progress?
How can you achieve the clarity, focus, and discipline to maintain momentum towards your dreams?
When you find yourself off-track, can you quickly and confidently get back on track?
Can you anticipate—and use—surprises, obstacles, self-doubts, and naysayers as learning tools, as fuel to power you forward?
Can you appreciate failures as powerful learning opportunities that improve future success rates and build wisdom and resilience?
Do you know when and how to change speed so you can delight in the journey?
Do you dash breathlessly to the next task or goal, or can you come to a full stop and celebrate small steps and key milestone?
One-on-one coaching is the most direct and powerful way to learn how to consistently transform your dreams and goals into reality, as you practice and master approaches to thinking about every aspect of your life in ways that energize you.
“When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.”
Roy E. Disney
Born in the Dominican Republic and arriving in Brooklyn, NY as a child of immigrants, my journey to this stage in my life still humbles me. We landed at JFK airport with little money and no English. I was the first in my family to graduate from high school and then attend college. During my freshman year in college, I became laser-focused on making sure my four younger brothers followed in my footsteps. I now realize they were my first coaching clients—and I am proud of what they have achieved.
While a Human Resources leader at Citigroup, I applied and was accepted to Columbia University’s Executive MBA program. I will forever be grateful that Citigroup fully paid for my MBA tuition.
In 2016 my most recent employer, Weatherby Healthcare, invested in my formal coach training at the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). I am a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF) and its South Florida Chapter.
In 2018 and 2019 I participated in two training series with the IFS Institute for Self Leadership, which shifted the level at which I can contribute to my coaching clients.
Coaching for Self Leadership: An Introduction to Internal Family Systems Inspired Coaching (6 weeks)
Foundations of the IFS Model Intensive (12 months)
In 2021 I was invited to join WJM Associates’ Faculty of Coaches.
In 2022 I became a Marshall Goldsmith Certified Executive Coach
For more details about me and my professional work experience please visit my LinkedIn page.
Columbia School of Business - NY, NY
MBA, Management
Cornell University - Ithaca, NY
Bachelor of Science, Labor Relations
Stuyvesant High School - NY, NY